Belotero Basic is an ideal product for volume enhancement treatments and can be used for deep furrows, lip augmentation, facial outlines, naso-labial furrows, glabellar lines and the correction of facial depressions, either due to injury or age-related scaring. It is delivered into the medium to deep dermis with a 27G
What is Belotero?
Belotero has been designed from biofermentation hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally present in our body; which the makers claim makes it safe and completely biocompatible, as well as wholly biodegradable.
How is it made?
It is created using Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) technology, a unique process which gives Belotero hylauronic acid unusual elasticity; (this technolology adds to its "mono-phasic" nature).
Belotero therefore guarantees a considerably better result from the first hours after the use and over the initial months, in terms of increased volume and wrinkle filling compared to "biphasic" products.
Belotero is prepared from non-animal, hyaluronic acid NaHA by a patented dynamic reticulation process. The unique polydensified cohesive structure of Belotero consists of a cohesive gel which is easy to use.
Reported side effects
Transient erythema (redness), swelling, pain, itching, discoloration or tenderness at the treated site. Typically resolution is spontaneous, within one or two days after use into the skin, and within a week after use into the lips.
The manufacturers state that there is no risk of granulomas and no risk of 'lump effect' - although the product may be too new to identify these rare reactions which can occur with other hyaluronic acid fillers.